
Fullerton Markets Launches Multi-Account Manager on MT5

Fullerton Markets announced today the launch of its new Multi-Account Manager (MAM) on MT5. It is a highly anticipated trading system that enables traders to work with multiple accounts.


Fed likely to strengthen tightening outlook despite new COVID-19 variant uncertainties

Will the Fed strengthen tightening outlook amid uncertainty over the new COVID-19 variant?


Worrisome U.S. CPI potentially threatens global economy and financial markets

In his latest CGTN report, Chief Strategist, Jimmy Zhu, discusses updates on the recent global market, including:- October's Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the U.S. increased 6.2 percent from October...


Jimmy Zhu LIVE On CGTN 09 November 2021

In a recent CGTN interview, our Chief Strategist, Jimmy Zhu, discussed China’s market latest updates. Key points that were discussed:

- Raw materials are the most urgently needed products to keep the...


Fullerton Markets Officially Launches Cryptocurrencies

Fullerton Markets has officially announced the launch of cryptocurrencies, adding to their list of trading instruments. This offers a one-stop platform, providing convenience and efficiency, to cater...


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